The picture here displayed is about PEEM PEACE NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 4th valedictory ceremony that was celebrated on 16th of July 2019... The pictures show the opening ceremony ,prayers were said by the p.t.a chairlady Mrs Osundo and the assistant chairlady Mrs Ogbona, and the pupils said the national anthem and the school anthem... I being the Directress and founder made some speech welcoming the parents of the wards and the less privileged pupils with their well wisher to the occasion.. the activities of the programs was read by me and the pupils were all ready to respond it...first was the Bible recitations, from the reception class, kindergarten and Nursery classes,cultural dance group showcasing IBO and Yoruba tribes ,drama tittled the lost gift and Peace Crane project paper work, were shared to the pupils they were sent to our pupils by their participants from Dufferin Elementary school Canada.. you can see our Facebook page PEEM PEACE school for reference, it was a glorious occasion and l believe God will continue to uplift us God is our strength to progress to celebrate another occasion with my pupils and to the world at large.
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