Ese Dodokior

Biography of Directress
My name is Ese Dodokior I am from Lagos state Nigeria West Africa.l attended command day secondary school in ojo military cantonment in the barracks. l completed my secondary school education in 1987 and proceeded to Auchi polytechnic in 1993-1996 and since then and now still studying in other fields of higher levels of learning.
My vision is to help children to grow in education and in the fear of the Lord. That was how the COMFORT MONTESSORI SCHOOL that came about in the year 2015, 20th of may. In 2019 our school changed its name to PEEM PEACE NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL. LTS located at No 17 Municat close omode busstop lmude shibiri ajangbadi ojo Lagos Nigeria West Africa.lm hoping to scale high for more computers and classes ,for sponsoring and mentoring of the children. Through talk's guardian department and parents forum.

Directress, Head Teacher ESE Dodokior

Basic class all subjects

Teacher Miss Jesinta Emmanuel Basic class all subjects.


Teacher Stella Amaechi
Reception-Kindergarten all subjects

Professor Mr Mathew
Agricultural Science

Teacher Gloria Orie
Has gained admission to further her studies

Teacher Deborah Jubril
Has gained admission to further her studies
Mrs. Timi Oluwaseyi

Teacher Miss Angela Udeh Nursery all subjects

Teacher Mrs Ibrahim Bosade
Day Care and Crèche Nanny